Saturday, January 7, 2012

Sono arrivata!!!

I'm here! I made it! Nothing got stolen, no luggage got lost, and I'm finally settled in! It feels so good to be here, although the realization of everything hit me all at once. But I suppose I'll talk about that later.

All my flights went well. I flew from Boston to Toronto (2 hr flight with a 2 hr lay-over), then Toronto to Zurich, Switzerland (7 1/2 hr flight with a 2 1/2 hr lay-over), then Zurich to Rome (1 hr flight). Then we took a 1 hr train ride to a bus station, waited 1 1/2 hrs there, peed in a hole in the ground, and took a 3 hr bus ride to Siena.....The flights were good. Air Canada was awesome! I watched Crazy Stupid Love, Red Riding Hood, part of Saving Private Ryan, and most of Drive. The flight ended with 30 minutes left! GAHH! But all the flights were fine, food was surprisingly good, and I don't have any annoying flight neighbors, which is always a plus. Train and bus were fine but annoying. And yes, I did pee in a hole in the ground. And I had to pay 60 cents to do it too!! Oh italia...

So I'm living with an English girl named Sam. She's awesome and we're really alike so I think we'll get along great. We're on the 5th floor of an apartment building. The floor has 6 double bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, and a kitchen/diningroom. We all went food shopping today and it's seems a bit more homely now. Everyone here is wicked nice but I find myself afraid to speak Italian. All of the bar tenders and store owners are kind to us and patient but I'm still scared to death of being wrong. I just have to get over it and be strong and make mistakes. I can do this!

I do miss America, and how things are in America. Specifically cellphones. I really want to take out my phone and take pictures of things or texts my friends and boyfriend but I can't. I can't just call my family or anyone and that's going to be the hardest thing to get used to. But i know I can make it. After a few weeks it will be as if I never had a phone at all.

All in all, I'm settling in well. School starts Monday with our placement exam (YIKES!) and then Tuesday classes start. This is going to be the start of an interesting four months to say the least. Ciao a tutti! (Bye everyone!)

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